Buwa as seen by others
>> Listeners and fans of Buwa
>>Musicologists, commentators and critics
Buwa's disciples
Buwa's contemporaries and peers
>>Ustad Thirakhawa Khan Saheb on Pandit Gajajnanrao Joshi
>>Dr. Sucheta Bidkar's fascinating short essay about her father.
>>Other musicians
Musicologists, commentators and critics
Musicologists, commentators and critics
- कृ. द. दीक्षित म्हणतात: "बुवा जेव्हा जयपुरी चीज गातात तेव्हा त्यांच्या इतकी लयकारिची बंदिस्त आवर्तने त्याच घराण्यातील गायकांपेक्षा सुंदरतेने दाखवितात. बुवांच्या गाण्यातली ही बहाद्दुरीच म्हणायची! " "Whenever Buwa sings a Jaipur Gharana composition he presents his structured rhythmic work more beautifully than the vocalists of Jaipur Gharana. That surely has to be acclaimed as Buwa's triumph!" K D Dikshit was a senior executive at All India Radio, a writer, music critic and above all a music connoisseur.
- श्री वामनराव देशपांडे -संगीत जाणकार, गायक आणि समीक्षक: "आज या जन्मदात्या ग्वाल्हेर घराण्याची थोडीफार वाताहात झालेली दिसते, तरीसुद्धा पंडित गजनानाबुवा जोशी यानी ग्वाल्हेर गायकीची ध्वजा उंच फडकावत ठेवली आहे." Paraphrased (not literally translated ) in English: Mr Vamanrao Deshpande -Musicologist, singer and critic: "In the current somewhat run-down state of the Gwailor Gharana Gayaki that is the mother of other Gharanas, Pandit Gajananbuwa Joshi is at the forefront of Gwailor Gharana carrying forward it's rich tradition." Here is an example of Buwa's Great Gwailor Gayaki.
- Professor G H Ranade in the Sangeet Natak Academy Journal Number 4 writes: "Gajananbuwa is ranked today, as a master of musicians. In his own turn, he has added one more feather to his cap, by mastering the art of playing the violin, in a class by himself. Antubuwa's greatest contribution to music is thus personalised in his son Gajananbuwa." What a wonderful compliment! Here is a delightful piece in Raga Kafi played by the Grand Master of Violin the great Gajananbuwa!
- From the Newspaper 'LINK' dated November 8, 1959: The best combination heard in the Sammelan was violin by Gajananrao Joshi of Bombay and tabla by Karamatullah Khan of Calcutta. Both played with inspiration and verve and opened up new vistas of aesthetic enjoyment. Joshi's Raga Khamaj was intensely lyrical and was enlivened by occasional counterpoints. His dancing reproduced by Karamatullah on tabla, to which the latter added his own inimitable fluttering notes. Katamatullah could have stood on his own without occasional histrionics which detracted from the dignity of the occasion. Here is Gajananbuwa performing Raga Khamaj on Violin.
We give below an excellent analysis and appreciation of Gajananbuwa's vocal and violin music by a noted music critic Mr Mohan Nadkarni. The article appeared in Economic Times and then was reprinted in RIYAZ published by Shivanand Swami Sangeet Pratishtan. Our thanks to RIYAZ and Economic Times.
Dattaji and Bacchubhai
Here is a beautiful appreciation by P L Deshpande one of the darling personalities of Maharashtra!
"Only artists like Gajananbuwa who are single mindedly focused and devoted all their life to the world of 'musical notes and rhythm' truly worship the ART OF MUSIC. Their commitment to Music is never half hearted! Indeed for devotees of MUSIC like Gajananbuwa life is but an opportunity given by the FATE to pursue MUSIC and MUSIC only!!" Padmshree P L Deshpande.
(Paraphrased from P L's article in Marathi.)
- This is a rare gem. Not many violin players have played GAVATI in this style. Variety shown is indeed awesome.Those who have heard him live will bless you for ever.
- Thanks a ton for uploading Jaijaivanti by Antubuwa...... I had listened to a 25-30 min recording in Shree by Antubuwa....I was stunned after listening to Shree.... What a style of singing..... And Gajananbuwa is equally amazing during the vocal support.
- There is no doubt that Pandit Gajananbuwa Joshi is legendary and will continue to delight his fans all over the world. I have listened to a few tracks on the AudioFarm website and before I had never heard of Pandit Gajananbuwa Joshi or his pieces. I have bookmarked the AudioFarm Pandit Gajananbuwa Joshi page and will listen to it in my spare free time. (Comment by a 14 year old boy born and brought up in UK)
Gajananbuwa's vocal rendering of Bhimpalas is superb. What is interesting about Buwa's performance is that he starts with' Nom Tom'. I recently listened to Faiyaz Khansaheb's DES. Outstanding! I just love Nom Tom of Khansaheb, Dhrupad vocalists, Gajananbuwa and Ratnjankarbuwa's few pieces among other musicians of Agra Gharana. For me the way these singers perform Nom Tom is like a Bhakta (devotee) asking the GOD of SWARS (NOTES) to bless them- the singers- by showing the inner beauty of the Swaras that is somehow hidden from them. The singers are telling the God of Swaras - try as much as they do, the secret of that divine beauty of the Swars is some how not within their reach. Hence their surrender to the SWARAS through the Nom Tom!! May be Gajananbuwa was attracted to Agra Gharana for it's (Gayaki) singing of 'Nom Tom'. Of course having mastered the singing (Gayaki) of Agra Gharana, Gajananbuwa had an advantage of presenting a given Raga in Agra Gharana Gayaki. Is it a wonder that in many of his performances he would start with Nom Tom of Agra Gharana and follow the presentation in Gwailor Gharana style. This is precisely what Buwa does in his performance of Bhimpalas. What a delightful performance!
- In my opinion a sonorous voice, strong fundamentals of music, a very good sense of laya and honesty towards art are the distinct features of Gajananbuwa that make his music dear to the ear.
- Practice lessons prepared by Bach - one of the greatest Composers of the Western Classical Music - are similar to Gajananbuwa's tuition piece for the Raga Deskar.-Bach's work has become a part of the Western Classical Music repertoire and indeed a concert piece! The piece is called 'Well-Tempered Claviers'. In my view Buwa's tuition piece such as the Palatas (variations) in 'Sargam' in Raga Deskar as it stands would be a concert piece and may well have the same place in the Indian Classical Music as Bach's 'Well-Tempered Clavier' has a place in Western Classical Music. You may like to get a flavour of Bach's piece by visiting the following web link. Bach's Well Tempered Clavier
- Many many thanks for developing such a beautiful site. Buwa's "charitra was written long time ago. I wish I can get the copy my sister used to have. My father was very good friend of his. I was fortunate enough to do lot of his recordings just for my brother-in law (violin player) & us to listen to. I was also fortunate one to listen to his live jugalbandi with Ustad Thirakhwa. One thing I think you should note on the site that he literally worshiped Ustad faiyaaz Khan. His beautiful photo was in his sitting room in Dombivili. He used to say that only (khan saheba nantar me ganar nahi). Please post his biography on site if you have one. Again may thanks & congratulations for such a beautiful site. By the way Great Kesar Bai kerkar had asked panditji to go away from the concert hall while performing due to a fear that he will steel her music. That mush fear & respect she had about his talent & ability. "tya gajanan la baher kadha" (per my father, & lot of gappa's with him & my father in my presence when I was young).
- The legendary Bal Gandharva once said to Antubuwa the father of Gajananbuwa: "Antubuwa, it is no surprise that your son Gajananbuwa sings Gwailor Gayaki so well. After all he was brought up at home with your Gwailor Gayaki. But Gajananbuwa presents the Jaipur Gharana Gayaki also with such mastery and confidence." This appreciation coming from Bal Gandharva speaks volumes about Gajananbuwa's Jaipur Gayaki! Note also that Bal Gandharva himself was taught by Pandit Bhaskarbuwa Bakhale a disciple of Ustad Alladiya Khansaheb the founder of Jaipur Atrauli Gharana.
Here is a comment by Pandit Sujan Rane of New Jersey USA on Gajananbuwa's performance of the famous song 'Dehata Sharanagata' in Manapman on violin. Pandit Rane was a desciple of Pandit Firoz Dastur of Kirana Gharana. "The recording of Buwa's presentation of Dehata Sharanagata almost brought tears to my eyes. Only Chhota Gandharva could sing such varieties. Again I was fortunate to accompany him at Balmohan School, Dadar when I was learning Classical Music. I remember that Chhota Gandharva had sung Dehata Sharanangata in four diffrent ways ( four Once Mores) at public demand, at Ravindra Natya Mandir way back in 60's. Now that treasure is lost forever for the posterity, such music will perhaps be never heard again." Please listen to the way Gajananbuwa's violin sings this song.
- Hello, The Basant played by Gajananbuwa touched me extremely. I was always impressed by Abdul KarimKhan's Basant "Phagawa Brij Dekhana Kochalari" but Gajananbuwa's every note was so well-tuned that every student of this great art should learn how every note in a Raag is to be brought out to make an impact on the listener. The beauty of his every note was spellbinding. Thanks for the video. Regards. Sujan Here is the link for this wonderful Raga Basant on Violin by the Great Grand Master Pandit Gajananbuwa.